
Exploring gene function by GFICLEE with remove or revise HGT events.

Download test data

File Name genes/species Description
input_gene_set.txt 17 The gene set from human pathway Nucleotide excision repair
human_profile.txt 2620 This phylogenetic profile includes 2620 genes.
species_tree_138.nwk 138 The Species tree includes 138 Organisms.
138_Taxa.txt 138 The Taxonomy file of 138 species.

Download test data : TestData2


tar -zxvf TestData2.tar.gz
cd TestData

Run GFICLEE with "-rm" option.

$ java -jar GFICLEE1.0.jar -i input_gene_set.txt -p human_profile.txt -t species_tree_138.nwk -rm 138_Taxa.txt -o output_file.txt

GFICLEE: Started with arguments: -i input_gene_set.txt -p human_profile.txt -t species_tree_138.nwk -rm 138_Taxa.txt -o output_file.txt
Read Taxonomy file completed...
Found 37 animals
Found 16 plants
Found 56 fungi
Found 29 protists

Detecting the suspicious HGT event...
Detecting suspicious HGT by animals subgroup: 810 genes
Detecting suspicious HGT by plants subgroup: 936 genes
Detecting suspicious HGT by fungi subgroup: 1142 genes
Detecting suspicious HGT by protists subgroup: 1413 genes
Total infer suspicious HGT: 3732 genes
Warning: removing 3732 genes from the phylogenetic profile.

GFICLEE: Completed successfully
Time used: 5.59 Seconds

Run GFICLEE with "-rv" option.

$ java -jar GFICLEE1.0.jar -i input_gene_set.txt -p human_profile.txt -t species_tree_138.nwk -rv 138_Taxa.txt -o output_file.txt

GFICLEE: Started with arguments: -i input_gene_set.txt -p human_profile.txt -t species_tree_138.nwk -rv 138_Taxa.txt -o output_file.txt
Read Taxonomy file completed...
Found 37 animals
Found 16 plants
Found 56 fungi
Found 29 protists

Detecting the suspicious HGT event...
Detecting suspicious HGT by animals subgroup: 810 genes
Detecting suspicious HGT by plants subgroup: 936 genes
Detecting suspicious HGT by fungi subgroup: 1142 genes
Detecting suspicious HGT by protists subgroup: 1413 genes
Total infer suspicious HGT: 3732 genes
Warning: revising 3732 genes in the phylogenetic profile.

GFICLEE: Completed successfully
Time used: 6.941 Seconds

Notice: using the filter HGT option, users should prepare the Taxonomy's file (split by Tab) consistent with the species tree. For example, The "138_Taxa.txt " file that queries the taxonomy from KEGG organism list.