Getting start

GFICLEE is implemented in Java programming language, Supporting Linux, Windows, and Mac os platforms.


install Java

GFICLEE support Java8 or late

sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk
sudo apt-get install default-jre

Downloading GFICLEE

Download GFICLEE 1.0


GFICLEE is a command line program, should execute in console or shell.

java -jar GFICLEE1.0.jar -i input_gene_set.txt -p phylogenetic_profile.txt -t species_tree.nwk -o output_file.txt

Basic options

Option Description
-i Input gene set in the same pathway or complex.
-p The binary phylogenetic profile.
-o The predict result file name.
-t The species tree with nwk format.
-c Predicted with multi threads. The default is 1.
-m Choose predict model<'eq','h','l','lh'>. the default model is 'eq'.
-rm Remove the suspicious HGT events in phylogenetic profile (need provide taxonomy file).
-rv Revise the suspicious HGT events from phylogenetic profile (need provide taxonomy file).